Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Egyptian Oracle

Image Source from: The Egyptian Oracle website, Image of The Virtual Egyptian Temple Tours at Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Is an interdisciplinary multi-media performance which reenacts through a virtual and live performance an ancient Egyptian public ceremony. The performance utilizes state of the art open sim software, utilizing the virtual world as a live performance space including the use of programmable avatars. The three dimensional space of the virtual Egyptian Temple navigates like a real world environment, and engages the audience and live actors in the performance space between virtual and live experiences.

The piece serves as part installation, part inter-media performance, and live reenactment. There are two main supporting actors, one serves as cyber-puppeteer controlling the avatar of the high priest. The second actor or actress stands and interfaces directly with the audience and the projected virtual temple, moderating the audience and virtual world interactions. The project was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Additionally the project uses the open-source software Unity ( for developing virtual and interactive games, which allows spherical projection effects for fulldome and immersive theater display with multi-projection theaters and environments. Not only does this interdisciplinary performance piece utilize virtual worlds with live performers, it also catalyzes the use of virtual world technology utilizing cave, multi-projection and fulldome immersive environments expanding innovative uses for immersive education and entertainment.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Technology, Knowledge and Society (presentation announcement)

TEACHING CREATIVE CRITICAL ACTION BEYOND ECONOMY INTO “the art of TECHNO-ECOLOGY”: Approaches in integrating technology ethics with STEM Art education. This presentation will discuss creative approaches for encouraging technology ethics and innovation in students using a STEM Art education philosophy. It will be presented by Jane Crayton at the 8th Annual Technology, Knowledge and Society Conference at UCLA Tuesday, January 17th, 2012.

Creative critical action with STEM-A (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math through Art) is a philosophy which integrates exploration of STEM subjects through art inquiry. This approach to STEM education creates space for the instructor to include ethical, radical and inventive approaches to educating students.

Innovation is the most prized human dexterity, and STEM education is a critical component of societies to produce innovative products. However as global economies emerge in our post-Google society, facing human impacted climate change, it is critical that we radically change the face of our education system and eventually our economies, to include a broader scope of STEM innovation. Art and diversity need to be included in STEM education to foster a sustainable community of ethical technologists who create solutions for humans beyond industry.

How does STEM education through art, media and technology defy formal education through DIY, viral and social media? With the exploration of electronic arts, media and sciences, students gain valuable skills for using and working with complex STEM concepts, while integrating ethical, and critical thinking skills. STEM acquired skills through artistic inquiry further the ability of users and creators to make educated decisions about innovative processes, products, or services; created or consumed.

Monday, January 9, 2012


This is a blog about immersive STEM arts by Jane Crayton. The goal of this blog is to capture the essence of immersive arts which catalyze science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. STEM subjects are often best introduced through immersive arts. Immersive arts are defined in this blog as digital media arts which use fulldome, multi-projection or virtual environments.